Storm Chasing Roofing Companies

Published by crgservices on

Severe weather warnings have become increasingly common over the past few years, and it seems each storm has the potential for high winds and hail. All of us hope that these storms don’t impact our area, but we’re not always that lucky. If you do have wind or hail damage after a storm there are several things you should do – the first being contact your insurance agent. However, we would advise that you avoid something that has become very common after large storms affect an area.

Storm Chasers

After a large storm, it has become common practice for out-of-state roofing companies to send someone to go door to door in a neighborhood. They tell homeowners that they have damage to their roofs to try to drum up business. Often these salespeople don’t even take a look at your roof. Roofing companies like this try to bait homeowners into filing a claim with their insurance carrier to have their roof replaced – some of these companies even offer to file the claim for you! Several storm-chasing roofers have also been known to use inferior shingles and other materials.

You may be thinking “What’s wrong with having your roof replaced?” Well, nothing is wrong with this if you have actual damage to your roof that warrants a claim. What has happened too often recently is these types of claims getting denied after an inspector (sent out by the insurance carrier) determines there isn’t any damage warranting a roof replacement.

Claim Denial

Putting in a homeowner claim and having it denied might not seem like a big deal. However, simply filing a claim (even if it’s denied) remains on your insurance record for several years. Insurance carriers see things very black and white – a homeowner with no claims on their record is seen as less of a risk than a homeowner with one or more claims on their record. As a result, a homeowner with a claim on their record is going to have a higher rate, so you want to make sure filing the claim is worth it.

What to do

If you believe you have damage to your roof after a storm it is always best to have a trusted roofing company/contractor to come out and assess the damage. If the contractor determines there is a significant amount of damage to your roof, contact your insurance agent to discuss filing a claim. Hiring a trusted contractor will provide you with an honest damage assessment and avoid a claim denial situation.

Contact Your Agent

Regardless of who you choose to hire for any potential storm damage repair, it is always best to have a conversation with your insurance agent before taking any steps toward filing a claim. Your agent is here to help you through this process and wants to avoid any negative future impact on you. They can advise you through a potential claim situation and guide you toward making the best decision. In any insurance situation you are unsure of it is always best to contact your trusted CRG agent for their guidance.